
Sheldon has a well-established school uniform and pupils wear it with pride. You can download a uniform list and read our Uniform Policy below.
Our required uniform includes the purple and gold Sheldon tie and a v-neck, long-sleeved jumper with the Sheldon crest embroidered on it. Both can be ordered from Scholars.
These are worn with white school shirts and mid-grey trousers, shorts and skirts that can be purchased from any school uniform retailer. Students should wear black, sturdy school shoes without any logo (not trainers).
From September 2023 all Y7 students will have the new style PE kit.
For all existing Sheldon students, it will be a phased introduction. The new kit is available at Scholars. As students naturally grow out of, or require new kit they will be offered only the new style.
Polo Shirts: The new polo top is purple and gold (similar to the older style white top). It is unisex and branded with the Sheldon logo but not with individual pupil names. We know this polo shirt washes well, therefore once outgrown, it can now be passed down to other family members and friends.
Bottoms: All pupils now have a choice of black shorts or a skort (skirt with built in shorts) with an embroidered Sheldon crest. For warmth, students can wear any brand of black jogging bottoms or leggings. Having a more stream lined kit will mean less to buy and will also look smarter as all pupils will wear black on their bottom half.
Outdoor/ winter tops: For pupils following the boy’s curriculum, the purple and gold rugby shirt stays the same but will not have individual names embroidered on. For pupils following the girl's curriculum, they will now wear a ¼ zip up long sleeved midlayer top. This replaces the splash jacket. The new top is similar in look and cost to the boy's rugby shirt.
PE kit from September 2023
If you are following the boys PE curriculum | If you are following the girls PE curriculum |
-Purple and gold rugby shirt (outdoor top) -Purple and gold Sheldon PE polo top -Black Sheldon shorts or skort -Purple and gold Sheldon socks -Black jogging bottoms or leggings in cold weather* |
-Purple and gold 1/4 zip (outdoor top) -Purple and gold Sheldon PE polo top -Black Sheldon shorts or skort -Purple and gold Sheldon socks -Black jogging bottoms or leggings in cold weather* |
*All PE Kit items are available at Scholars except cold weather jogging bottoms and leggings. These items are optional and can be purchased from any clothing retailer.
Please Note: PE staff will update pupils on which version of uniform is required for specific PE activities in class and on epraise. Students may also need to purchase football boots, gum shields, shin pads and other equipmpent as needed based on their specific lessons.
Second Hand Uniforms
Second hand uniform is available to purchase from school. Please contact us with the item and size you require giving the item and our Reception Team will check availability for you.
We also hold a second hand uniform sale is held twice a year in the Spring and Summer to raise funds for the Sheldon Student Opportunity Fund. We appreciate any donations of good quality uniform that is no longer required.