Transition to Sheldon

Welcome to Sheldon

We're very pleased that you have chosen to join Sheldon School. Transition to secondary school can be daunting for many students, but we try to make it as easy as possible.

Many students in our catchment area have already attend a Taster Day with their Year 5 class. This full day spent at Sheldon gives students an introduction into what it student life is like at Sheldon. If you are currently in Year 5 and have not attended a Taster Day because you are new to the area, live out of area or missed your primary school's day, please click here.

You will find plenty of information on our website about student life, what you will learn, clubs you can join and all of our school policies. Have a look through the following pages and get in touch with us if you have any questions by emailing

Click on the links below to learn more about Sheldon School
2025 Induction Days

Save the date for our 2025 Induction Days for new Year 7 students. You will get a chance to meet you tutor,other students in your tutor group and some of your teachers. 

Thursday 10 July (school open to new Year 7 students only) and Friday 11 July 2025

Please arrive by 8:25pm. You will be guided to the Year 7 Playground to meet your tutor group. Students should wear their Primary School uniform and bring a packed lunch on Friday. Further details can be found on the letter sent home with your tutor group allocation, archived below.

Parents' Evening

Parents of students joining us for Year 7 in September are invited to a Parents' Evening to meet your child's tutor and learn more about the school as part of our new student Induction Days. Dates and times for these meetings will be announced later in the year.

Induction Days

All our new Year 7 students are invited to attend our Induction Days in July. You will get a chance to meet you tutor and other students in your tutor group. You'll meet some of the teachers you'll have in Year 7. It is a great opportunity to answer any questions you may have so that you are not anxious over the summer holiday. During the first Induction Day, the school is closed to all other Sheldon students, giving you a chance to familiarise yourself with the school with your tutor group.

We also have additional sessions and tours for SEND students, so that they have further support in their transition to Sheldon.

Pastoral Support

We have a strong Pastoral Support system at Sheldon. As you move through each year in Sheldon, your Head of Year, Deputy Head of Year and Tutor will move with you. For students entering Sheldon in 2024, the Head of Year will be Miss Megan Owen and the Deputy Head of Year will be Mrs Kathryn Avent. There is also a Pastoral Support Worker, Mrs Loraine Crouch, who will provide addition care to students.

Tutor Groups

Many parents and students are concerned about how tutor groups are formed. The Head of Year and Deputy Head of Year (along with our transition SEND Co) will visit each catchment primary school to speak with students, class teachers and headteachers. They will then create tutor groups of equal size and a variety of students from different schools. We try to make sure that each student has one friend in their tutor group. Prior to the Induction Day, you will receive a letter with your tutor group. (The tutor groups also indicate if you are Left or Right side, a designation that helps us divide the group in half for big events like Year 7 Camp and Parents' Evenings)


Please bring a pen/pencil and notebook for your Induction Days. Click here to find out the equipment you will need to bring to school everyday. Some items, will be available to purchase from the school over the summer. Parents will receive information about ordering via our ParentPay system.


During the Induction Days, please wear your normal primary school uniform and bring your PE kit. You can read more about the Sheldon Uniform here.

Under-16 Transport Application Form

Please find below information and an application form for free or assisted transport for eligible school children who live in Wiltshire (excluding Swindon Borough).  This form should only be used when your child is starting a new school or changing address. The completed form should be emailed to

Transition Materials

Below you will find an archive of materials that your child will receive during transition visits to Sheldon School.

“The school has gone above and beyond to help my son in his education."
Year 8 Parent