Parent Evening Booking System

Throughout the year we invite parents to meet our faculty during Meet the Tutor and Parent Evenings. We use a system called Parent Evening Booking System on School Cloud to allow parents to pick their preferred sessions. Any information about your child's particular Meet the Tutor or Parent Evening will be emailed to you via School Comms and also added to the Letters Home section of our website.

The booking system can be accessed using this link SchoolCloud - Sheldon School further instructions can be found below.

Please note: you will need to complete the required fields in order to access the system using the information you provided at your child's registration. If the login page cannot match your records, it is likely that the information we hold on our system needs to be updated. If you think this is the case, please email

I didn’t realise until I was older that the things i learned weren’t all academic - I was shown how to be a better person and express myself due to some really amazing teachers.
Bethany Cole - Xbox Category Manager for Subscriptions and PC Gaming