Personal, Social and Religious Education

A welcome from the Head of Faculty, Mrs Wilson
“With the possible exception of the equator, everything begins somewhere.” C S Lewis.
Our journey may begin at birth, but we believe Personal Social and Religious Education helps enhance this journey; it is an integral part of every child’s education and ultimately life. Life’s journey is becoming more complex, and it is our intention to help and assist young people to find their way, making sensible decisions. This includes careers education, information, advice and guidance. More information about careers can be found in the information section of this website.
It is our desire to help young people take greater charge of themselves in their lives and we want to actively engage students in their preparation for life. The emphasis in PSRE is to encourage students to make informed decisions based on sound knowledge and understanding. We hope students will make right decisions so their quality of life is the best it possibly can be.
Our most recent Ofsted Inspection stated “Students say that personal, social and religious education is a ‘fun’ subject and they have an excellent awareness of other cultures and religions and their local community.” Our philosophy is that pupils will be engaged in lessons, through a range of stimulating and interesting activities, enabling them relate to real lif