Y7 Advice from Students

Making Friends

Hi New Year 7s,
Making friends can be really hard for some people right? So, here’s some advice on it. I came from a smaller school so when I first joined, I only had a few people that I knew which is why being in a tutor really helps! At Sheldon you’ll get put into a tutor group which is a wonderful opportunity for you to make some new friends. Although the subject of being in a tutor may worry you, it’s fine as most of your tutor group will become great friends and will be like a second family because you see them daily! On your transition days, you will do some activities to help you get to know these new people and get to bond with them. Obviously, your tutor group isn’t the only people you can make friends with as joining clubs and doing other activities is a terrific way to know new people with similar interests as you. I hope this helps with your journey to Sheldon. Have fun in your journey to secondary school!


Dear New Year 7s,
Homework in primary school is very different to secondary school, but not in a bad way! Sheldon recently changed how homework works. You now have a very clear homework timetable and around two pieces of homework set each day. This is normally a Microsoft Form multiple choice quiz and your teachers will give you reminders about homework and when it is due. You can also find your homework planner online to help you stay organised. You don’t need to stress about homework but if you need help you can always ask your teacher, a friend or a family member.
— Jacob and Erica

In most subjects such as English and history, you get set a multiple-choice quiz on Microsoft Forms. They are normally around 10-15 questions and are based on your previous learning from lessons. Some homework requires you to watch a short video or read a short text in order to be able to answer the questions. You should spend around 20 minutes on your homework in Year 7. Maths is a little bit different. In maths, we use a website called Sparx. A piece of homework is set each week based on what you’ve been learning in class.
— Rojus, Suvan and Tilly

Year 7 Camp

I hope you guys are looking forward to secondary school. I understand you may be feeling nervous and a bit excited but try to look on the positive side of secondary school life. Sheldon School will offer new friendships, opportunities and experiences, such as the Year 7 Camp. When I went, it was amazing! We got to put up our own tents, have a bonfire, take part in archery or shooting and lots more. Keep in mind that you aren’t forced to go but I strongly recommend that you do as it is a great way to make new friends. The teachers provide support and help on the trip and you’ll have a brilliant time.

Top tips for camp:
1. Try to get as much sleep as possible (make sure it’s a good one) as having no sleep means getting up in the morning is a bit more difficult.
2. Make the most of your time at camp because it flies by quickly.
3. Have fun! It will be awesome as having fun will make you laugh and help you make friends.

Hope you have a brilliant time on camp and at Sheldon.
Good luck!
— Toby


In secondary school, you’ll be moving around the school site for each of your classes. At Sheldon, our timetable has 6 periods (50-minute lessons). Even though this can feel a bit intimidating at first, you soon find your way around. On your timetable, you will find the subject, your teacher’s initials and the classroom. You’ll need to check your timetable and make sure you have the right books and equipment for each day. I’d recommend packing
your bag the night before so you don’t forget anything.

That’s everything from me!
Good luck!
— Joe


Dear New Year 7s,
At Sheldon School, there is an amazing variety of clubs for you to enjoy. As there are so many types of clubs, you should be able to find something you’d enjoy. We have: sports, music, drama and even stuff like Pokémon club! Not only do we have these after school, there are many during lunchtime like gardening club or board games club. There are also things like a multi-faith space which is a quiet space where everyone can share or support their religion or pray.
— Summer, Angel, Evie, Robert and Amber


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