Mental Health and Wellbeing Support
At Sheldon School, mental health and wellbeing is a core priority. We want all students to feel happy, safe and supported so that they can feel confident and able to achieve, both academically and personally. We have a staged approach to supporting students with their mental health and wellbeing, with interventions offered at the following levels:
We can also sign post parents to external organisations that work with young people as well as parents and carers.
Universal Support
At this stage, we focus on ensuring that students’ knowledge and understanding of mental health and wellbeing is developed through the curriculum, enrichment and extra-curricular activities within school, with a focus on promoting positive mental health and strategies for mental fitness. This is achieved through:
- Tutor time activities, including a weekly ‘pause for thought’ activity to expand students’ toolkit of ways to care for their mental health and wellbeing.
- Assemblies, including delivery by external providers.
- PSRE lessons
- Access to self-help resources, via this page, our school library and our pastoral teams. See below for some recommended reads!
- Weekly access to the school nursing service, with drop-in appointments available to discuss a range of areas, such as emotional health, healthy lifestyles, stress and worries.
- One-to-ones with tutors, which include mental health check ins and conversations that reflect on emotions.
- One-to-ones with pastoral leads, as and when needed.
- Access to Sixth Form Mentoring, which focuses on support with academic monitoring, friendships, etc.
- A broad extra-curricular and enrichment programme to accommodate a wide range of interests. Take a look at clubs and activities available at Sheldon here.
Recommended Reads for Self-Help
Targeted Support
At this stage, students receive more targeted support for specific issues related to their mental health and wellbeing. There are a range of interventions on offer, which are outlined below. To access these, a mental health referral form must be completed, providing details of what issues are being experienced and what support may be beneficial. This form is completed by the Head of Year, Deputy Head of Year or Pastoral Lead, and is triaged by our Senior Mental Health Lead, Miss Owen. If you feel like your child would benefit from more targeted support with their mental health and wellbeing, please get in touch with a member of their Pastoral Team.
Specialist Support
Where there is a higher level of need, specialist support is implemented to support a student’s mental health and wellbeing. It is likely that universal and targeted interventions will have been recommended and explored; however, there may be circumstances where a specialist intervention is the first one that is implemented. If you feel like your child would benefit from specialist support with their mental health and wellbeing, please get in touch with a member of their year team. At this level, specialist will utilise the knowledge and skills of professionals inside and/or outside of Sheldon School. For example:
External Organisations
Depending on need, students and/or parents and carers may be directed to other external organisations, or you may wish to explore options yourselves. The following links are for organisations who have supported students and families within the Sheldon community.
Teen Talk: Teen Talk offers counselling to children and young people aged 10-25 in Wiltshire. They can also offer advice to parents and carers. Referrals are accepted from professionals (e.g. Head of Year, Deputy Head of Year, or Pastoral Lead) or directly from parents and carers.
Wiltshire Treehouse: Wiltshire Treehouse: Specialising in bereavement, Wiltshire Treehouse offer free of charge help, including telephone advice and support to parents, direct work with children and young people affected through their specialist group work programmes, and referrals for more specialised help.
Private Counselling: If you are interested in finding a private therapist for your child(ren), it is recommended that they are a member of the BACP - British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. View the Private Counselling Directory to explore therapists within your area.
Support for Parent and Carers
As well as supporting our young people at Sheldon School, we want to ensure the adults within our community feel supported too. If you are struggling with your mental health and wellbeing, or if you would like some advice and guidance to help you better support your child(ren) and/or family, the following organisations may be able to help:
Wiltshire Talking Therapies: Wiltshire Talking Therapies is a service that is available to adults looking for support with managing a range of common mental health problems, including anxiety, stress, depression and low mood. Self-referrals can be submitted via this link.
Relate: Relate provides relationship advice and guidance, with opportunities to explore counselling services as well, both for young people and adults.
Work Wiltshire: Work Wiltshire offers a range of courses for parents and carers to access that explore a range of different areas, such as supporting your child with anxiety and worry. Courses are run each month, and their calendar can be accessed via the link.
Wiltshire Council: Wiltshire Council – Parenting Support Wiltshire Council’s website offers a section dedicated to parenting support, with a range of resources and interventions available to access.
Group Parenting Programmes: Group Parenting Programmes Family Hub offer a range of group parenting programmes, including ‘Time Out for Parents – Teens’, which provides help and advise on parenting children through their teenage years.