In Year Admissions

Paragraph 2.23 of the School Admissions Code 2021, states that ‘A parent can apply for a place for their child at any school, at any time’.

There is no longer a requirement for the Local Authority (LA) to coordinate in year admissions to schools for which it is not the admissions authority. However, this service is currently provided for schools who opt in to the LA’s in-year co-ordinated admissions process, which Sheldon currently does.

Each year, the LA will provide an application form on its website which will enable parents to apply for a school place at schools that are part of the in-year co-ordination process. Applications can also be submitted using their online form or by requesting a paper copy via their Customer Service Team. Where possible, it is recommended that parents apply online to ensure that they receive confirmation that their application has been received. A paper copy can be requested by calling 01225 713010.

Please note that applications can be submitted a term in advance (six-term year). The LA will aim to email a copy of the application to the school within three school days of receipt or from the required consideration period. The school will then confirm with the LA if a place can be offered to the child and the LA will notify the applicants. The whole process must be completed within 15 days of the application being submitted.

Full details of the Schools Admissions Code 2021 can be found at:

“Ensuring that pupils are healthy physically and mentally is central within all safeguarding policies and practices and is an exemplary feature in the school.”