Opt-in Taster Days
If you are a current Year 5 student who lives outside the catchment area or did not visit Sheldon School with their catchment primary school, we would like to welcome you to one of our 'Opt-in' Taster Days. During this session you will get to find out what student life at Sheldon is all about and will get to meet other perspective students from out of area.
Students will need to register for their preferred session using the attached form below (available as PDF or docx) and emailing it to tasterdays@sheldonschool.co.uk. Each session will begin at 9am and students will need to be collected at 2:30pm.
Wednesday 11 June 2025 -- Fully Booked
wednesday 25 June 2025 -- Fully Booked
wednesday 2 July 2025
Students should wear their normal school uniform and bring a PE kit. All snacks and a hot dinner will be provided by Sheldon so that students can get a taste of the delicious food available in our Refectory. The day will include lessons form different faculty areas including performing and expressive arts, PE, science, Spanish and design & technology. Students will need to bring with them:
- their school PE kit
- a pen or pencil
- optional packed lunch if you do not wish to have a hot dinner provided by Sheldon
This is a wonderful opportunity to experience a normal, timetabled day and get a feel for what school is like for secondary students. We look forward to welcoming you to Sheldon! If you have any questions about our Taster Days, please get in touch.
Catchment Area Schools
The following schools are in the Sheldon School catchment area and have scheduled Taster Days with their Year 5 class.
There is no need to book an Opt-In Taster Day if you child attends one of these schools:
Charter | Queens Crescent |
Colerne | Redland |
Derry Hill | St Marys |
Frogwell | St Pauls |
Ivy Lane | St Peters |
Kings Lodge | Stanton St Quinton |
Kingston St Michael | Sutton Benger |
Langley Fitzurse | Trinity Acton Turville |
Marshfield | Seagry |
Monkton Park | By Brook C of E |