Careers and work experience

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) provides students parents with occupational guidance and vocational advice, to help students think about what they want to do with their lives and about the sort of people they wish to become. At Sheldon, we believe that co-ordinated provision with curriculum subject areas, tutors and external agencies is central developing these aims. 

We measure our careers provision using the Compass+ Evaluation tool. We also undertake student, parent and employer questionnaires to see what is working well and how we can improve. We are always interested to hear the views of those involved. If you have any comments or ideas for improvement of the school's CEIAG programme, please contact Mrs Wilson at

Careers Advisor

The Sheldon Careers Advisor, Kate Witchell, offers impartial information, advice and guidance to all students. Our Career Hub provides a safe, supportive and confidential space to talk about future plans to help students make realistic choices about their education and training after leaving school. The Careers Advisor can support students with application to sixth form, college, apprenticeships and university as well has writing CVs and preparing for interviews. She also provides careers support through Year 10 and 11 lessons and by arranging opportunities for local employers, colleges and training providers to meet with students during lessons and careers events.

General enquiries: 01249 766020,

Teacher in Charge of Careers: Mrs Sharon Wilson

Teacher in Charge of Work Experience: Mrs Tracey Tillotson

Careers Advisor: Katie Witchell,

Below you find careers information and resources for 

• Students

• Parents

• Employers

• Teachers

• Work Experience Programme

For students

Careers Curriculum

Year 7

The curriculum provides pupils with experiences which contribute to a growing understanding of themselves and their strengths and limitations. It will also develop the skills associated with choices and decision making.

Years 8, 9, 10 and 11

Specific Careers Education and Guidance is provided through timetabled lessons and modules of careers education, through the school's curriculum and tutor group work. This includes opportunities for students to hear from training providers and employers at appropriate times on school. Tutors have an active and defined role in prompting thought, monitoring progress, identifying individual guidance needs and referring pupils to the Careers Advisor as necessary.

All pupils undertake a week of work experience in Year 10.

Sixth Form

Most students have fairly clear ideas about their future as a result of previous sound careers advice. This is enhanced by formal discussions with our Careers Advisor and also drop-in sessions, work experience placements and information about Apprenticeships, Higher Education, including visits to universities and colleges, and some directed work in tutor groups.

Further careers information for students

For Parents

80.75% of students say their parents help them to make key career decisions. You may feel that you don't have enough information about careers options to help your child, but sharing your own story about your career path can help. It may also be useful to reach out to friends and colleagues for career advice, feedback on CVs or to help arrange work experience. There are also plenty of websites and resources that can help you prepare your child. If you have any questions please get in touch with us at

Further Careers Information for Parents

For Employers

We'd like to thank local businesses for their continued support of our career activities at Sheldon School. Your input is invaluable as we create help students to develop their employability skills and to learn about exciting opportunities in Wiltshire and surrounding areas. We are cultivating your future workforce and hope that you will continue to help us raise the aspirations of our students and provide examples of what careers exist after they leave school.

How can you help? There are many ways you can get involved, including:
  • Being part of our mock interviews with Year 10 students and help them structure their CV
  • Giving an inspiring talk based on your industry or job role (in an assembly or small group workshop)
  • Supporting a class discussion about pathways after school (eg apprenticeships, T Levels and other routes into your industry)
  • Helping champion specific issues and challenge barriers in the workplace around gender stereotyping, disability, etc
  • Bringing a subject lesson to life by linking it to your industry
  • Offering a work experience placement for students at your business premises
  • Becoming an ambassador supporting employment routes for young people with SEND and offer a work experience placement at is co-supported by the school
  • Participating in one of our lunchtime career pop-up stalls
We will support you throughout your visit to Sheldon School, to ensure we maximise your valuable time. You will be allocated a member of our careers team who will:
  • Be your main point of contact for all enquiries
  • Organise pre-meets, discussions and information for activities you sign up to
  • Provide support for visiting the school, including details on parking, facilities and safeguarding
  • Conduct a short evaluation to ensure we are getting things right
  • Add you to our network to keep you up-to-date with future activities

If you are not already on our list of employers that regularly come into school and feel you would be able to contribute, please email

For Teachers

Embedding careers into your curriculum can help provide students with inspiration and motivation. They may begin to see that subjects are relevant to the real world and begin to understand why it is important to study them. You may also be providing the sing inspirational moment that changes the direction of a student's life.

Young adults who recall for or more encounters with employers while at school are five times less likely to be NEET and earn on average 18% more than peers who recall no such activities.

- Dr Anthony Mann Director of Research and Policy, Education and Employers Taskforce.

Here are some ideas for including careers in your teaching:
  • Create a careers corner in your classroom
  • Include pathways students an take at age 16 and 18
  • Highlight essential skills that link to activities 
  • Frame your lesson with a job role or job sector
  • Display websites and events
  • Be personal and share your own career story
  • Engage with parents, businesses and organisations
  • Invite alumni to share their experiences

Please get in touch if you would like to work with a local employers to discuss bringing your curriculum subject to life with real world examples by emailing

Further careers information for teachers

My favourite teacher was Mr Girvan. It was impossible not to absolutely love English if he taught it. He was just the nicest human being and he never raised his voice at our class once and I had him for years from year 8 to year 12.
Kirsty Wang - Medical student at Bristol University