KS4 Options

Important Dates for 2024

Options Evening 

Join us Thursday 1 February 2024 from 6pm-8:30pm for an opportunity to meet with subject staff to learn more about KS4 options from each subject teacher. There will also be a presentation about the options process at the following times:

  • 6pm - 9AVW, 9CIL, 9GMB, 9SEF, 9ZXM

  • 7pm - 9ECD, 9JCN, 9KLD, 9RES


Parents' Evenings

Please join us for a face-to-face meeting with your child's teachers to discuss their progress in Year 9.

  • Wednesday 21 February 2024 - 9AVW. 9SEF. 9ZXM, 9CIL, 9GMB
  • Monday 26 February 2024 - 9KLD, 9RES, 9JCN, 9ECD


Options Form Deadline

Click here to fill out the Y9 Options Form

It must be submitted by Wednesday 6 March 2024

If you have questions about what options are right for you, please get in touch your child's tutor or subject teachers. Click the links below to find contact details for Sheldon staff.

Towards the end of Year 9, students will have an opportunity to choose their options for Key Stage 4 (Years 10 and 11). We recommend that students make their course choices with the consultation of their tutor, subject teachers, parents/carers and our careers advisor. Each year we hold an Options Evening so that families can visit the school to learn more about the courses on offer. It is important to attend this event along with our Parent's Evenings to discuss your child's progress with their subject teachers. 

Core Curriculum

In KS4, you will follow the core curriculum which includes:

• English language

• English literature

• Maths

• Sciences


• Core PE


For science, students will take one of two options: trilogy, in which all three sciences are covered and students achieve 2 GCSE grades, or separate science, where students achieve 3 GCSE grades, one in each of biology, chemistry and physics. Both routes allow progress into A level. The science faculty determine which route students will follow based on their progress.


You must also choose one of the following:

• Computer science

• French

• German

• Geography

• History

• Spanish

Students can then choose three additional courses from our broad range of subjects available.

We strongly advise that students take a humanity, language and creative/technical subject to showcase their range of skills and knowledge. Students who follow the core curriculum and also study a language and either history or geography will be able to achieve the English Baccalaureate (EBacc).

It is important that students choose subjects they will enjoy and will also show a broad range of skills and knowledge. More information about the selection process and courses available can be found in our KS4 Course Booklet below.

Course Booklet and Presentations

You will find links below to the 2024 Course Booklet describing the different opportunities for learning during KS4 as well as presentations from our Options Evening.

When you click on the link for subject specific presentations, you will be taken to a separate page allowing you do click links to download the PowerPoint presentation for each course. Due to their large file size, it will not open automatically. You can find the file in your downloads folder.

I was head girl in 2015 and loved being able to speak to parents about my time at Sheldon when they were considering where their children should go. Because of how it has shaped me as a person I feel I am who I am today because of my time there.
Alice Parham - Marketing Assistant for THG Labs