Year 9 Language Options
In Term 5 of Year 8, students will choose the language they want to study in Year 9 - French, German or Spanish. This is a great opportunity to study a language in further depth and will prepare you for studying Modern Foreign Languages at GCSE and A Level.
Year 9 MFL Language Options 2024
Fill out the form below to select your Year 9 language by Friday 26 April.
If you need any help, please speak to any language teacher.
Why do I need a language?
- It will show people that you can think and learn in a particular way.
- At GCSE it is useful to have a range of types of subjects.
- It can help you get that apprenticeship, job or college place instead of someone else who doesn’t have these in-demand skills.
What happens in Year 9?
- You will have 6 lessons a fortnight.
- You will focus your time on ONE language.
- Your Year 9 language is the one you will carry on with in Years 10 and 11, if you choose to continue with MFL.
How should I choose?
- Think about the language you find easier to learn.
- Which one do you feel you are likely to do best in?
- Think about what is best for YOU in the long run.
- Don’t choose because of friends or teachers.
- Talk about it at home and with your languages teachers.Think about which language you have support in at home (an older sibling/a parent)
- If you don’t mind which, that’s fine, we can choose for you.
What if I like both languages?
- Great, let us make the choice for you. Everybody will do ONE not both languages.
What happens once I have chosen?
- As long as staffing and timetabling will allow, you will be given your first choice.
- MFL staff will re-set the year group based on numbers and ability in agreement with the Head Of Year.
- You will continue with BOTH languages until you get your new year 9 timetables.
Who do I ask for help?
- Your languages teachers know you well, speak to them
- Talk to your tutor
- You will have talked about your subject likes and dislikes with your family, ask them to go through the decision with you.