Academy Governance and Finances

In April 2011, Sheldon converted to academy status. Please find information below relating to the

You can also view an archive of previous annual reports and other statements regarding employment, pay and governance.

Sheldon School Governance

The school's new constitution is based on two charters. The Board of Governors are required to honour these charters and the Charters Board acts as guardian of the charters. The role of the charters board is limited to ensuring that the Board of Governors continues to honour the Sheldon Charters.

The Sheldon Charter

The school aims to enable all young people to become:

  • Successful, independent learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve

  • Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives

  • Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society

And to that effect the Board of Governors will:

  1. value the individual needs of all pupils

  2. maintain a comprehensive school with non-selective intake of pupils at age 11

  3. provide an education of excellence to enable all pupils to make the very best use of their individual talents and abilities

  4. maintain a broad, balanced and appropriately challenging curriculum catering for the needs of all pupils

  5. encourage pupils to take pride in their membership of the Sheldon community and to contribute to the running of the school

  6. provide and maintain a safe, caring and stimulating physical, social and learning environment

  7. engage with parents, the community and other schools to improve educational outcomes for all pupils

  8. value equally the contribution of all staff to the success of Sheldon School

  9. commit to the development and job satisfaction of staff and honour the Sheldon Employment Charter

  10. maintain a balance between the charters within the financial resources of the school

Sheldon Employment charter

The Board of Governors of Sheldon School will:

  1. continue to employ all teachers on a fair basis with consideration to national guidelines and any nationally agreed terms and conditions

  2. Continue to employ all support staff on a fair basis with consideration to the Wiltshire LA terms and conditions and, where appropriate, any nationally agreed terms and conditions

  3. Continue to value and recognise membership of trade unions and professional associations

  4. Continue to abide by relevant national collective agreements

  5. Ensure a commitment to ongoing professional development for all staff

Financial Information

Please click on the links to view the Sheldon School Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ending 31 August 2024 and the Financial Bookmarking Service. All historical financial statements can be found in the archive below.

Executive Pay Summary

The number of employees whose employee benefits (excluding employer pension cost) exceeded £100,000 in bandings of £10,000 as of 31 August 24 was:  £100,001 - £110,000 = 1

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