Contacting Staff

At Sheldon we believe that open communication with parents and carers is essential. Please get in touch with us if you have any concerns about your child's academic progress or welfare. You can email, call or send a note in with your child. If you are unsure who to contact, please email

Our staff will respond as quickly as possible. Please remember that teaching staff may not be able to respond right away if they are in the classroom. We also have a number of staff who work on a part-time basis who not be able to respond until they are scheduled to work. 

A full staff directory can be found below, along with links to Pastoral and Academic Teams.

Pastoral Teams

Your first point of contact should always be your child's tutor. Students have contact with their tutors daily and they can help address any concerns you have about their general academic progress, behavior or wellbeing. If you are not able to get in touch with your child's tutor, you please get in touch with the Head of Year. 

Click here to learn more about our Pastoral Teams.

Faculty Teams

If you have an academic concern about a particular class--whether it be about homework, behavior in a class or your child's academic progress--please get in touch with their class teacher. Where the teacher is unavailable or your concerns are not addressed, please get in touch with the Head of Subject or Head of Faculty.

Click here to learn more about our Faculty Teams

For a full list of staff at Sheldon School, click here

Sheldon really was a key influence on how I drove my career forward. Yes, there are ups & downs through school life but keeping focussed is the main thing and if you really want to make it happen - you can. I am proof!
Mark Wood - Managing Director at Horizon Beauty for Future Cosmetics - Barcelona