Exam Information

summer 2024 exams

Students are issued with personal exam timetables prior to the Easter break.

Dates can be found here for timetabled exams, and here for non-timetabled components.

A letter to students from Ofqual can be found here.  It includes useful information about arrangements for this summer.


Results are the property of the student and will not be passed to anyone else without the student's prior written consent.  Results cannot be provided over the telephone.

For the summer season, results are issued during August and students normally collect their results in person.  If students have plans to be away on results days, they need to contact the exams office by the end of June to make alternative arrangements.

An explanation of the post-results services can be found in the JCQ guidance here. This information will be updated prior to each results session.  It is important to note deadlines apply to all the post results services, and fees apply to many services. 

Exam boards also issue their own information as follows:


- Eduqas (Welsh Board)


- Pearson (Edexcel)

Summer 2024 results dates are as follows:

  • GCE / Level 3 qualifications - Thursday 15 August 2024 (all students including unit results for Year 12s):  0800 in the Sixth Form Study Area.
  • GCSE / Level 2 qualifications - Thursday 22 August 2024 (all students including unit results/Further Maths for Year 10 students, and Year 9 Film Studies):  0830 in the Sixth Form Study Area.

Results will be available in the Sixth Form until mid to late morning, after that, please go directly to the Exams Office.  Uncollected results will be prepared for first class postage by mid afternoon.


Timetable information can be found on the links below.  It is important to note that public timetabled exams are conducted on the same date and time nationally, so cannot be moved.  If a student is unable to attend an exam, the school should be contacted as a matter of urgency.

Student timetables for the summer exam season are normally distributed prior to the Easter break.  

For summer 2024 exams, the key dates are as follows:

  • First national GCSE Thursday 9 May 2024.
  • First national GCE Monday 13 May 2024.
  • Final contingency exam date Wednesday 26 June 2024.  All Year 11 and Year 13 students must remain available up to and including this date in case exams are rearranged due to a contingency situation.

Timetables are available on exam board websites:


- Eduqas (Welsh Board)


- Pearson (Edexcel)

Sheldon specific timetables will be made available here once ready.  In the meantime, students should speak to their tutors/teachers about key dates including internal assessments.  Students normally receive their personal timetables prior to the Easter break.


Summer season certificates were made available prior to Christmas.  Sheldon students who have moved to our Sixth Form will be contacted via their tutors.  For leavers, information will go out via social media when certificates are available for collection.  Ex-Year 13s, can collect their certificates at the Christmas reunion.  Uncollected certificates are normally posted home and must be sent via a signed-for service.

Exam board results certificates are important legal documents and should be retained carefully.  If certificates have been lost, and exam board documentation is required, information on how to do this can be found here.  Exam boards do charge for this service.  In some cases, for recent results, the school can provide information.  Due to GDPR data is erased from the school's system after a certain timeframe.

Regulation of Exams

Most exams at Sheldon are regulated by JCQ, the Joint Council for Qualifications.  This body is responsible for the framework around how exams and other assessments are conducted.  More information can be found here.

It is important that students are aware of the expectations and responsibilities with regard to exams.  All JCQ regulations for candidates can be found here.

 JCQ Information for Candidates


In addition to the JCQ regulations, the following school policies also relate to the exams:

Complaints and Appeals Procedure

Examinations Internal Appeals Procedure

Examinations Policy

NEA Policy

Post Results Services Procedure


My favourite teacher was Mr Girvan. It was impossible not to absolutely love English if he taught it. He was just the nicest human being and he never raised his voice at our class once and I had him for years from year 8 to year 12.
Kirsty Wang - Medical student at Bristol University