Exam Regulations

There are certain regulations all schools must follow to ensure that exams are carried out fairly across the country. At Sheldon we help students get exam ready by replicating formal exam conditions and regulations during mock exams. The following guidance is applicable to all students sitting exams at Sheldon, whether they are mocks or official summer exams. Failure to follow these guidelines could lead to disqualification from exams.

For more information about exams, click here.

Don't forget...

Be on time for your exams

Do not bring any notes, watches, calculator lids or web enabled devices into the venue

Do not talk, communicate, distract or borrow anything from another student

You cannot leave the exam venue until the exam has ended unless you have an access aragement

Failure to follow the exam regulations or any evidence of cheating could cause you to be disqualified from all subjects

Example of exam equipment including a clear plastic pencil case, 3 black biros, 2 HB pencils, coloured pencils, ruler, protractor, compass, rubber, pencil sharpener and calculator without a lid.All equipment must beĀ unmarked and placed in clear pencil case or sandwich bag. We recommend that you organise your equipment ahead of time and keep it separate from your daily use pencil case so that it is ready for exams. Inside your pencil case you should include:

  • 3 x black biros (not gel pens) - make sure you have backup pens in case they run out
  • 2 x HB pencils
  • coloured pencils
  • protractor
  • compass
  • ruler
  • rubber
  • pencil sharpener
  • calculator without the lid

Please note:

  • You may not use correction fluid or tape (Tippex is not allowed in exams)
  • Highlighters can only be used on question papers or inserts. They cannot be used in answer booklets.
Be on time for your exams

Be at the venue 15 minutes before the start of the exam. This is usually 8:30am for morning exams and 12:45pm for afternoon exams. If you arrive late for any reason, contact the exams office as soon as possible.

Go directly to the exam venue in the morning and not tutor time. You will be registered in the exam.

Do not bring any notes, watches, calculator lids or web enabled devices into the venue.

This includes ipods, mp3 players, smart watches, smart glasses and phones.

All phones, headphones and watches must be left in your bag.

Glasses cases and medical items must be placed on the floor by your desk to be checked by invigilators.

All water bottles must be transparent and must have labels removed.

The lid must be removed from your calculator.

Do not talk to, communicate, distract or borrow anything from another student

Please remain silent from the time you enter until you leave the venue.

If you need to speak to anyone, put your hand up and an invigilator will come to you.

Once finished with your exam, remain silent and do not do anything to communicate with or distract other students. If you do so, you risk disqualification.

You may not leave the exam venue until the exam has ended unless you have access arrangements that permit this

Toilet breaks are not permitted unless in an emergency or for a medical condition.

Only one candidate at a time is allowed out of the venue and will be accompanied by an invigilator.

All exits from the venue will be recorded and reported to the exam board.

If you try to cheat or break the rules in anyway, you could be disqualified from ALL your subjects

Our Exams Officer and Exams Assistant will be in charge of all exam venues. They lead a team of invigilators and work hard to make sure that you have the best exam experience. When entering exam venues, please remain silent so that you can hear instructions from our Exams Team. The Exams Office is in the foyer outside the School Hall. If you have any questions about exams, speak to your tutor, Head of Year or a member of our Exams Team.

Sample exam paper showing where to find the candidate number, subject, tier of entry (f=foundation, h=higher) instructions for this paper, paper reference number

Please check your exam paper very carefully. If there is anything that you are unsure of, or you think you have the wrong paper, speak to an invigilator immediately.

Please check that the subject, candidate number, tier of entry and paper reference number are correct. They should match your exam card.

Read all instructions for the exam as listed on the front of the exam paper. This will explain the questions you need to complete and how to get the best marks. It will also list the equipment you can and cannot use.

Make sure that all papers you have written on (including extra sheets) have your name, centre number and exam number on them. Don't forget to sign if there is a signature box.

If you use extra paper, clearly indicate the question number and place it in the correct order inside your exam answer booklet.

All rough paper has to go back to the exam board to prevent cheating. If you do not want anything marked, cross through the work so that the examiner knows this.

Most exams will be held in our Sports Hall. If you have exam access arrangements, you may have an alternative venue. Check your personal timetable carefully. Alternative venues may be in the Sixth Form block or elsewhere in the school. The board outside the Exams Office will give details of exam venues and all students will receive a personal time table.

If your exam is in the Sports Hall you will need to leave your belongings in A9. Follow the information given about where to line up and how to enter the venue. If you are in a different venue, follow directions given by exam staff about how to enter the venue.

When entering exam venues, remain silent and follow all instructions. You will be issued a card when you enter with your details. Please make sure this is correct and place it on the top left corner of your desk. Do not write anything on your paper, desk or card - not even your name - until instructed to do so by the invigilators.

Ensure that nothing is written on your arms, hands or legs. This could lead to disqualification from exams, even if it is irrelevant to the exam.

Invigilators are there to make sure that everyone has an equal opportunity to do the very best they possibly can in the exams. They make sure that the exam venue is quiet and that you have everything you need to be successful. They are also there to enforce the regulations, so always follow their instructions.They cannot give explanations or answer the questions, but are there to support and reassure you.

If you feel unwell during an exam, need more paper or equipment, please raise your hand and they will help.

Please don't be afraid to put your hand up and ask questions -- no question is a silly question.

At the end of the exam, please remain quiet and follow instructions of the invigilator about when you may leave. Collect your belongings and exit the exam venue. Once outside the exam venue building, you may talk. Please leave quietly as there may be others still working.

Do not comment or discuss the content of the question paper on social media.

Do not buy, ask for or share exam and assessment content.

Do not spread rumours about what is in an exam or an assessment.

If you think you have seen a leak of any exam information in advance, you need to report this to the Head of Year, Exams Manager or your class teacher.

You will always get a minimum of 15 minutes break time after morning exam. Most exams will finish before our normally scheduled school breaktime, but if your exam finishes late, you will be able to take a break in the Refectory before returning to your next lesson. The Exams Team will inform teachers of this daily.

Afternoon exams will begin at 12:45pm. To ensure there is enough time to eat, students with an afternoon exam will be let out for lunch early. Food will be available to purchase in the Refectory only from 12:20pm.

I was head girl in 2015 and loved being able to speak to parents about my time at Sheldon when they were considering where their children should go. Because of how it has shaped me as a person I feel I am who I am today because of my time there.
Alice Parham - Marketing Assistant for THG Labs