
Sheldon School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people in our care. We want every child to feel safe in school and have designed a robust programme of pastoral support, staff training and community workshops to ensure the best outcomes for our pupils. 

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as:

• protecting children from maltreatment;

• preventing impairment of children's mental and physical health or development;

• ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and 

• taking action to enable all children have the best outcomes.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Sheldon School Safeguarding Team

Mr John Rumble: Designated Safeguarding Lead and Senior Mental Health Lead

Miss Sian Mundy: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (KS3)

Dr Alison Simpson: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Jon Scourfield: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (KS4)

Mr Eugene Spiers: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (KS5)

Miss Megan Owen: Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Sheldon School Governing Body

Louise Carver: Chair of Governors

Carol Cradock: Nominated Safeguarding Governor

Safeguarding at Sheldon

Outstanding Pastoral System

We have a well established Pastoral system at Sheldon School. Our Heads of Year, Deputy Heads of Year and Pastoral Support Workers take an active role in supporting the well-being of our students. Our tutors get to know their tutees well through twice daily contact and through 1:1 meetings. They know their family situation and the context of their life. 

Full Training Programme

We provide a comprehensive training programme for all staff in September, repeated for new staff and absentees throughout the year. We also conduct a full staff training every three years, as well as ITE and governor trainings. Our trainings cover keeping children safe in education, how to report safeguarding disclosures, online safety and any policy changes that occur so that staff are kept up-to-date with best practices in safeguarding. We also give parents the opportunity to learn about how to keep children safe through our Parent Information Evenings and Workshops. In the past these have included information sessions on online safety and country lines in partnership with Wiltshire Police and The Rise Trust.

Mental Health Support

Our Student Services Team do a fantastic job of supporting our vulnerable students, particularly those suffering from low mood and mental health issues. This support comes from our Pastoral Support Workers attached to each year group and our dedicated school counsellor. Early help is put into place before referrals are made to external agencies.

Robust Curriculum

Safeguarding is taught as part of the curriculum through PSRE, ICT and the tutor programme. We take all opportunities possible to teach safeguarding through topics such as healthy relationships, boundaries and consent, stereotyping, prejudice and equality, self esteem, body confidence and online safety. Students know how to keep themselves safe both inside and outside of school.

Safe Environment

We want all students to feel safe in school and to know where they can go for support. We have a colour coded lanyard system so that everyone can clearly identify staff, students and visitors. During break times, we have a clear system of staff supervision and we also have a designated areas for each year group to use. Our IT department maintains a strong filtering and monitoring system on our computer network so that inappropriate content cannot be accessed by pupils.   

Triage System for referals

Every safeguarding incident is reviewed by the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) before any action is taken. Heads of Year and relevant members of the Leadership Team are also alerted. We have a clear system of referring students to receive support via our Student Services team or external agencies.

Child Protection Online Management System (CPOMS)

All referrals are made online using CPOMS. All actions are logged and there is a clear audit trail. Staff receive regular training and updates on using CPOMS.

Sheldon really was a key influence on how I drove my career forward. Yes, there are ups & downs through school life but keeping focussed is the main thing and if you really want to make it happen - you can. I am proof!
Mark Wood - Managing Director at Horizon Beauty for Future Cosmetics - Barcelona