Crazy Chrunchy Christmas Cross Country

12 Dec 23

On Friday 8 December we invited over 550 young people from local primary schools to our annual Crazy Crunchy Christmas Cross Country event in collaboration with the Chippenham Sports Partnership. The event was wonderful, with a clear blue sky and lots of excited children when Santa and his reindeer arrived!

Our Sports Leaders and Sports Ambassadors helped during the event by demonstrating the 12 Days of Christmas warm up marshalling the course, encouraging children across the finish line and handing out festive treats at the end. We couldn't run events like this without their help!

We'd also like to thank Tesco Chippenham for sponsoring the event and providing juice boxes and mince pies!

My favourite subject was maths because of my teacher Mr Davies who I would love to thank personally one day as I used to hate maths. I love making on impact on my students lives and knowing that I can do what Mr Davies did for me. Inspire.
Natasha Murray - Primary School Teacher