Best of Luck to Paralympian Dan Bethell

28 Aug 24
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As the Paralympic Games begin, everyone at Sheldon would like to wish former student, Dan Bethell, the best of luck! Dan plays badminton for Team GB and won Silver during the Tokyo games. He returned to Sheldon a couple of years ago to rally with students and show off his medal to his former PE teacher, Mr Humphreys.

We've always known Dan was special destined for great sporting achievements. His tutor, Mr Finch, wrote a poem in Dan's Olympic themed Y11 Leavers' Yearbook:

Dan is our sportsman, or so I've been told
I've been watching his progress and will expect gold.

We are certainly hoping Dan will get gold! No matter what happens in Paris, we hope Dan knows that the entire Sheldon family is cheering him on!

Childhood shapes who you become (as we say at the NSPCC) and Sheldon was a big part of that.
Sir Peter Wanless - Chief Executive of the NSPCC