Digital Empowerment Programme

14 May 24
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Our Year 7 and Year 9 students recently received a presentation run by the Stay Safe Initiative called the Digital Empowerment Programme. The special assembly was delivered over a double lesson and focused on staying safe online. Topics included the pros and cons of social media, managing your digital footprint, self image and identity, online bullying, critical thinking, how to get help and more. Follow the links to read more about the presentations for Year 7 and Year 9



Update: Parents are invited to a Zoom workshop, Parenting in the Digital Wold, hosted by the Stay Safe Initiative on 6 June 2024 at 7pm.
Meeting ID: 872 5801 8364
Passcode: 978846

Many students found the presentation informative and engaging. Here's what some they had to say after the presentation:
"We learnt interesting statistics about online use."
"It was inspirational and told us what to do and what not to do to be safe online."
"One thing that surprised me was seeing the images manipulated by AI -- they turned a grown man into a teenage girl!"
"I liked that they didn't just tell us not to use social media."
"It was a really positive message."
"The assembly was good because the stuff they said to us was useful for now and later life."
"It was interesting so we could understand more about online safety and the internet."
"It was useful because now we know and understand how to be safe online."
“My son has had a very enjoyable first year at Sheldon."
Year 7 Parent