DofE Awards Evening 2025

30 Jan 25

Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award programme during the 2023-2024 school year. Last night, we celebrated the students who earned their Bronze and Silver Awards. Our students working towards their Gold Awards still have a few months left to complete their activities and will receive their awards at a special event at Buckingham Palace.

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is a programme that  inspires young people to explore who they are, grow in confidence and develop the skills they need to successfully navigate life. Participants build their own programme, choosing activities and a cause to volunteer for. This year we had 71 students sign up for the Bronze Award, with 51 completing the award; 30 students signed up for the Silver Award, with 12 completing the award and 20 Gold Award participants. Together our students completed 1,573 volunteering hours by working with young people in sports clubs and youth groups, working in charity shops, providing tutoring, mentoring and more. This equates to a social value of £8,305 to the Sheldon community. They also learned new skills, took on physical challenges and participated in expeditions that allowed them to explore beautiful parts of the countryside.

During the ceremony, DofE Coordinator, Miss Langdon, shared photos and memories of the expeditions including stories of rescuing students stuck in mud and watching the Bronze group devise a new game at their campsite that involved jumping over a walking boot. She thanked all of the staff who volunteer to support the expeditions, giving up their weekends to make sure that everything runs smoothly.

The evening also featured a very special guest speaker. Archie Fitzgerald is a former Sheldon student and the first in recent years to earn a Gold Award. Archie spoke to students about how his experience working through the Duke of Edinburgh's Awards shaped the person he is today. By volunteering with Scouts, developing his skills in dog training and taking on the physical and mental challenges of expeditions through extreme British weather, Archie was able to build his resilience and confidence. For his Gold Award, Archie volunteered in Sri Lanka, solidifying his interest in studying medicine. Today, Archie is in his final year of medicine at the University of Bristol. He continues to seek out adventure by volunteering with mountain rescue and air ambulance services. 

His advice to young students just beginning their Duke of Edinburgh's Award journey:

Keep saying yes to new adventures and keep having fun!

Headteacher, Mr Lynch, closed the evening by commending students for their dedication and determination. He reminded the recipients that they are of the select few students in the school who completed the awards -- an honour not to be taken lightly. He also reiterated that none of this would be possible without the work of Miss Langdon and our staff volunteers. He also thanked parents for showing their support by taking children to and from volunteering placements, packing ruck sacks and helping keep track of documentation. He also thanked Archie for joining us and sharing his inspiring journey.

To find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh's Award at Sheldon, click here. Current participants are reminded that Miss Langdon provides drop-in hours on Tuesday lunchtimes if you have any questions about completing your sections. Students enrolled in the Silver Award this year need to complete the form selecting expedition groups as soon as possible. Bronze and Silver Award participants are reminded that there will be a training day on Sunday 2 March 2025 (more information to follow).
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