Exam Certificates

20 Nov 23
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Attention all Sheldon Leavers: GCE and GCE certificates are now ready for collection for ex-students who gained qualifications in summer 2023.  Students should call into reception during school hours and their certificates will be brought to them. A signature is required as these are important legal documents. Parents or siblings can collect on behalf of a student if the school holds their details.

We would like to distribute all the certificates before the Christmas holidays. Uncollected certificates will be posted via a signed for service. If you have any questions, please get in touch with exams@sheldonschool.co.uk.

Sheldon Sixth Form Leavers will be given their certificates during the Class of 2023 Reunion on 4 January 2024. Click here for more details.


I was head girl in 2015 and loved being able to speak to parents about my time at Sheldon when they were considering where their children should go. Because of how it has shaped me as a person I feel I am who I am today because of my time there.
Alice Parham - Marketing Assistant for THG Labs