Generous Donation for Deaf Students

8 Feb 24

We would like to extend a special thank you to the family of Tony Cleverly for their generous donation to benefit deaf and hard of hearing children at our school. The Cleverly family have long been part of the Sheldon community and we were delighted when they contacted us about making a donation in memory of their father.

We were able to use it to fund a Christmas Party for deaf students in Years 7 – 11 at the Chippenham Sports Club to eat food, do crafts, play skittles and make friends after a tiring term. It is important to us at Sheldon that we create opportunities for our students to foster a positive deaf identity and social activities like this allow them to have fun and socialise with other young people across all year groups outside of the classroom setting.    

Our students are very grateful to the Cleverly family for making this possible.

Childhood shapes who you become (as we say at the NSPCC) and Sheldon was a big part of that.
Sir Peter Wanless - Chief Executive of the NSPCC