Homework Survey Result

22 Apr 24

Thank you to all the parents and carers that participated in our recent homework survey. Our staff are working to improve consistency in logging homework as complete or incomplete. We will respond to parent queries from the survey in the coming weeks.

Parent and career survey results:
• 94% agree that the new ePraise homework add on is easy to navigate
• 94% agree that deadlines and what has been set is clear for their child
• 97% agree that homework is now set more regularly
• 78% agree that their child is more engaged with homework
• 94% agree that knowing more facts is beneficial to their child’s progress

My favourite teacher was Mr Girvan. It was impossible not to absolutely love English if he taught it. He was just the nicest human being and he never raised his voice at our class once and I had him for years from year 8 to year 12.
Kirsty Wang - Medical student at Bristol University