Hundreds Raised for Children in Need!

Well done to everyone in Sheldon for an amazing Children in Need fundraising effort! Thanks to the generosity of our students, we will be able to donate nearly £1800 to help support children across the country. We still have some fundraising money coming in, but as of now, our grand total sits at a SPOTacular £1,789.13!
We had a brilliant two days of activities, starting with the extremely popular Sponge the Teacher. Any guesses why that got so much attention? Thank you to Mr Lynch, Mr Spiers and Dr Aiken for taking the plunge for a good cause. We also had plenty of bake sales and a sweet extravaganza.Thank you to all the families that baked and donated cakes. The Year 9 bake sale wins the record for selling out in under 15 minutes! Who knew our students had such a sweet tooth? We also had games in the sports hall during lunch, a very raucous trivia quiz and a stereognois box. We also had sightings of a dinosaur wandering around the school and filling in for Mrs Oxley.
While the main school had a non uniform day, our Sixth Form held a Fancy Dress Day with a film and TV theme. The costume efforts were extraordinary, displaying the creativity and good humour of our students. Most costumes were handmade, which was all the more impressive. We had Chipmunks, Gnomeo and Juliet, Patrick Bateman, Columbo, the cast of This Country, Harry Potter, Mario and Luigi, Remy and Alfredo from Ratatouille, the Scooby Doo Gang and more! Flick through the photos to see if you can guess where these characters popped up from.
Thank you to everyone that donated and a huge well done to the Prefect Charity Committee, Sixth Form Co-Presidents, Heads of Year and all the class reps that helped organise the day. We can't wait to do it all again next year!