New Homework Strategy
Thank you to all the parents and carers that submitted feedback on our recent homework survey. We hope that you all have had a chance to review your child’s homework on the Planner section of epriase. You should be able view both homework that has been set and homework that has been completed. As always, if your child has a question about their homework or any technical difficulties, they should speak to their class teacher or tutor.
The results of our survey were overwhelmingly positive. Most parents are happy to see changes to our homework strategy in order to better support their children. Most also feel that a clearer schedule and use of online tools such as quizzes will be beneficial to their child’s learning. We are very pleased to have support from parents as we work together to make sure that all children at Sheldon achieve the best learning outcomes.
We will be working throughout the term to ensure successful implementation of our new homework strategy, taking into account feedback from our survey. We will circulate FAQs from the survey soon and will follow up with another survey in the Spring Term to gather your feedback once we’ve had a several weeks of setting homework on epraise.

Results of the homework survey were overwhelmingly positive.
The survey results showed support for our new homework strategy.
- 92% agreed that using ePraise to diarise homework will provide me with more clarity on what is being set for my child
- 77% agreed that having a homework timetable will help to structure my child's time
- 73% agreed that regular low stakes homework quizzing tasks will be beneficial to my child
- 100% agreed that staff having the flexibility to set varied pieces of work in creative/practical areas is beneficial
- 83% agreed that the changes to homework are an improvement on existing homework practices
We look forward to working with parents and students throughout the term to insure that our homework strategy is beneficial for students, teachers and parents. For further information about the rationale for changes to homework and the schedule of when each subject areas are set, click here.