Reopening and Mock Rescheduling

26 Nov 24
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Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope that your families and friends have remained safe, and that your homes and businesses haven’t been too badly damaged by the flooding in the town centre and other areas over the last few days. If there is anything you think the pastoral teams need to know, please contact your child’s tutor or Head of Year.

I am pleased to say that the school will open tomorrow, and most of the roads, along with almost all the villages, are now accessible. We have confirmed with the transport company that the buses will run a normal service. We look forward to welcoming the students back!

Due to the disruption, some Year 11 and 13 mocks have had to be moved. If your child is in these year groups, please pass on the information below. The normal mock timetable will continue as expected tomorrow.

Year 11:

Option A mocks will be carried out next Tuesday 3rd December during lesson 3-4 as was planned for today.

This includes the all-day Art Mock and Media coursework.

Option B mocks will be carried out next Wednesday 4th December during lessons 5-6. Option B is on during lesson 5 and so students will not go to Option A in Lesson 6 but instead complete their mocks in their lesson 5 classroom.

Art and Photography groups who are in Option block B will have all day mocks on the 4th December.

Year 13:

Option A mocks will be carried out on Thursday 28th November lesson 5-6.

Option D mocks will be carried out on Tuesday 3rd December lesson 3-4


Thank you for your patience and support during the last few days, and fingers crossed for drier and sunnier weather for the rest of the week.

Kind regards

Pete Lynch


I was head girl in 2015 and loved being able to speak to parents about my time at Sheldon when they were considering where their children should go. Because of how it has shaped me as a person I feel I am who I am today because of my time there.
Alice Parham - Marketing Assistant for THG Labs