School Closure Update

Please be advised that Sheldon School will remain closed tomorrow, Tuesday 24 September for students.

This is due to the ongoing electricity issues and an unstable energy supply, that makes it difficult to operate the school site as normal. Unfortunately, the generator installed by the electricity company to supply the school whilst the major fault is being fixed, keeps cutting out. We are going to try and have staff on site tomorrow to test the robustness of the energy supply from the generator, so that we are confident that we can open fully on Wednesday for students.  

We have instructed staff to set students work to complete online via Epraise on Tuesday 24 September. As we anticipate this will be a short-term closure, we have decided not to set up TEAMS and live lessons at this stage, however if the situation continues any longer, we will reconsider this approach.  

Work will be set via Epraise via the classwork tab on the app. We ask that students follow their normal timetable and complete the work set for the subjects that they would ordinarily have tomorrow. If students have completed these activities, then they may want to attempt other subject tasks set. Once the work is completed, please follow the instructions of how to hand this in.

If your child does not have access to IT, we ask you to let their tutor or Head of Year know. If your child is in receipt of Free School Meals, the school will ensure you are reimbursed over the next few days.  

We are hopeful that this issue will be resolved by Wednesday, and that normal service will resume then. Please keep an eye on school communications for further updates.   

We will be in contact with all families booked in for our Open Morning on Tuesday 24 September to reschedule the tours.

Thank you for your understanding and support during this time.

I was head girl in 2015 and loved being able to speak to parents about my time at Sheldon when they were considering where their children should go. Because of how it has shaped me as a person I feel I am who I am today because of my time there.
Alice Parham - Marketing Assistant for THG Labs