Year 11 Virtual Parents Evening

1 Dec 23
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Please remember that bookings are now open for our Year 11 Virtual Parents Evening on 7 December from 4pm-7pm.

Parents’ evenings present a valuable opportunity to meet with your child’s teachers to discuss their progress, strengths and areas for development across the range of subject areas that they are studying. This is especially important in this, their GCSE exam year.

On the evening, appointment slots will be five minutes in duration. Mrs Zuanella, our SENDCo, will also be available for appointments. Please be advised that occasionally some teachers may not be able to meet with parents and carers of everyone they teach. Where teachers work part time and do not work on the day of the parents’ evening, appointments may still be made. The member of staff will contact you on a day they do work close to the parents’ evening to update you on your child’s progress either by telephone or via email. You will be advised by email after booking has closed where this is the case.

We hope that you will be able to attend the parents’ evening and that it proves to be both informative and supportive.


All details about the evening can be found here

Letter Home - Year 11 Virtual Parents Evening 7 December 2023

If you have difficulty signing into the booking system, please review these instructions.


I was head girl in 2015 and loved being able to speak to parents about my time at Sheldon when they were considering where their children should go. Because of how it has shaped me as a person I feel I am who I am today because of my time there.
Alice Parham - Marketing Assistant for THG Labs