Year 13 Parents Evening

14 Nov 23

We are holding a virtual parents’ evening on Tuesday 21st November from 4pm to 7pm.

Bookings are now open via SchoolCloud - Sheldon School

When you log on, you should see a list of available teachers for your child and times that are remaining for you to see them. The whole evening will run between 4pm and 7pm, with each slot lasting exactly 5 minutes.

Some staff will see you as a pair of teachers; others will see you separately. Almost all A Level classes are co-taught, so it could be possible to make two separate appointments but in a number of cases, please be aware that there are subjects containing several classes and teachers will only be able to see a maximum of 30 parents. Additionally, we have teachers who deliver in more than one subject area so they too might not have capacity to see the parents of everyone they teach. In cases where teachers are delivering to more than 30 students, they will divide the groups amongst their pairings and students will be told who you should book an appointment with. Parents who are separated but who would have made separate appointments can still do so – provided we have both listed as contacts on our system.

Each meeting will begin once both teacher and parents have clicked into it, but the timer will count down regardless. Please be aware that there will be times when the teacher ‘arrives’ for the appointment 15 seconds or so after the start time; this will be to allow them to gather what information they need and draw breath after having just finished a previous appointment. Both you and the teacher will be able to see how long is left of the appointment. It will cut off precisely at the five-minute point so that other appointments can run to time.

If you have any trouble logging into the system, please click here.

Looking back with hindsight and at the overall picture, I absolutely loved my time at Sheldon.
Sally Shaw MBE - Director at Firstsite (Art Fund Museum of the Year 2021)