Year 7 Readathon

4 Mar 25
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Our Year 7 students have been taking part in a reading adventure to help give books and stories to children in hospitals across the UK. Over the last two weeks, they completed a sponsored read to support the children's charity, Read for Good, and raised a grand total of £317.15.

Congratulations to Ella R in 7TBR for raising the most money in the year group (£55) and to Sammy B in 7TBR for reading the most books overall.
We'd also like to congratulate Rose W in 7TB, Joy L in 7KXJ and Poppy K in 7AEG for being runners up and raising £50 each!
All of the students received a sweet treat from Miss Punter for their accomplishments.

Well done to everyone in Year 7 for taking on the challenge and hopefully finding a new favourite book in the process!

Of the event, Miss Punter said:

Readathon is a fantastic way to encourage reading for pleasure. Pupils can choose to read whatever they love which creates a brilliant buzz around books throughout the school. Focusing on reading for fun is a proven way of narrowing the attainment gap as we - like all schools - recover from lost teaching time.  And we’re incredibly proud to play a part in bringing stories to children in hospital too!

Read for Good’s Readathon has been running in schools since 1984, motivating millions of children to read for pleasure. The money raised by schools is used to deliver brand new books and storyteller visits to all of the UK’s major children’s hospitals, as well as supporting school libraries.

Justine Daniels, chief executive of Read for Good, said:

There’s a wealth of evidence that children who read for fun are more likely to thrive, socially and emotionally as well as academically. For some pupils, a Readathon is the spark that inspires a lifelong love of reading and for many others, it serves as a timely reminder, in a busy school day, of the joy to be had when you pick up a book.

Looking back with hindsight and at the overall picture, I absolutely loved my time at Sheldon.
Sally Shaw MBE - Director at Firstsite (Art Fund Museum of the Year 2021)