Young Driver & Passenger Education for Sixth Form Students

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service will be visiting us on 14 March to deliver a road safety education session for Sixth Form Studetns.
This session aims to provide students with the information, advice and practical tips they need to stay safer on the roads, whether this is as a driver (either now or in the future) or as a passenger in a young or less experienced driver’s car.
The session is a mixture of film clips, interactive tasks and discussion. The session is not designed to upset or worry students, however if your child has been involved in, or been affected by a road traffic collision at any point in time, please contact their tutor to discuss this or to excuse them from the session.
The session will be led by a member of DWFRS road safety team, who is there to present the session and facilitate the discussions with an aim to helping your young person know how to make positive choices to keep themselves, and others safe as they become independent adults. You can help us to support them by:
- Encouraging them to attend the session
- Encouraging them to fill in the pre and post questionnaires which will be forwarded from the school
- Encouraging your young person to sign up to the free year’s worth of road safety emails
- Remembering your child will be observing you and your driving as they take this next step in their independence – we all need to think about how we drive and what they pick up from us.
Thank you for your support in helping your child stay safe on the roads. If you have any questions or concerns, please do get in touch with the Sixth Form team who can pass your enquiry on to the DWFRS Road Safety Team.