Young Musician of the Year 2024

11 Mar 24
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Audition begin Monday 18 March for Sheldon Young Musician of the Year 2024!

Our annual concert highlights the best of the talented young musicians at Sheldon School. Students can compete in 3 age categories: KS3 (Year 7-9), KS4 (Year 10-11) and VI Form (Year 12-13). Five finalists will be chose from each category to perform at the finalist's concert on Wednesday 1 May. There are prizes for both winners and runners up for each category.

Students can perform any instrument, any piece and can sign up for audition slots on the sign-up sheet on the door of A1.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Hall at

I was head girl in 2015 and loved being able to speak to parents about my time at Sheldon when they were considering where their children should go. Because of how it has shaped me as a person I feel I am who I am today because of my time there.
Alice Parham - Marketing Assistant for THG Labs