Bronze Award - Year 9

Attention Bronze DofE Participants: If you would like to borrow kit for the 2024 Expedition, please click here or scroll down to fill out the Kit Request Form.

The Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award is completed during Year 9 and takes a minimum of 6 months to complete. It involves completion of volunteering, physical and skills sections along with an expedition. You should spend 3 months on each section, spending a minimum of 1 hour per week on your activity. You also need to spend an extra 3 months on the section of your choice. You should decide early on which section you want to do for 6 months so that you can set the right goals for your activities. For more information about sections click here.

The 2-Day, 1-Night expedition is organised by Sheldon School along with our partners H5 Adventure. You will also need to attend training days and practice expeditions to achieve your award.The Bronze Award involves 3 months of activity in the volunteering, physical, and skills sections. Plus a further 3 months in one of these sections. It also involves an expedition of 2 days and 1 night.

Payment Schedule

The major costs associated with the award are for the joining materials and expedition expenses, although every effort has been made to keep these to a minimum. This cost includes the DofE registration fee, registration on eDofE, a welcome pack, 5 days of training/expedition with H5 Adventure
(a DofE approved activity provider (AAP)), camping fees, insurance and the certificate and badge (on completion). All payments are made through ParentPay.

2024-2025 Fees will be published soon

Expedition Dates

Expedition Dates will be published soon

Useful Resources