Business, Economics & Computing

The following staff teach in the Business, Economics and Computing (BEC) Faculty. If you have a specific concern about your child's academic progress or have a question about homework, please get in touch with their class teacher. You may also wish to speak with the Head of BEC or the member of the Leadership Team with responsibility for the faculty.

1st contact your child's teacher. If there are additional concerns, contact the head of subject, head of faculty and finally the senior leader with responsibility for the faculty.

BEC Faculty

Head of BEC: Mr Tim Rand,

Subject Lead for GCSE Business: Louise Lee,

Senior Leader with Responsibility for BEC: Mr Peter Lynch,

ID Code
Mrs Mariam Akalanne MKA

Mr Ben Foulger BLF
Mr Tim Rand TBR
Mr Jon Scourfield JXS
Mrs Louise Lee LML