Year 7 Pastoral Team

The following staff make up the Year 7 Pastoral Team. Together with Year 7 tutors, they will ensure that students receive the support they need to thrive at Sheldon.

Miss Megan Owen
Head of Year

Miss Megan Owen

Miss Owen is a teacher of Design and Technology as well as the Head of Year.

Mrs Kathryn Avent
Deputy Head of Year

Mrs Kathryn Avent

Mrs Avent is a Physical Education teacher as well as Deputy Head of Year.

Mrs Lorraine Crouch
Pastoral Lead

Mrs Lorraine Crouch

Mrs Crouch is the Pastoral Lead for the year group.

Mr Jon Scourfield
Assistant Headteacher

Mr Jon Scourfield

Mr Scourfield is Assistant Headteacher and the member of the Leadership Team responsible for group.

If you have a concern about your child, please contact their tutor. This may include reporting bullying or problems with friendship groups, concerns about overall academic progress, issues occurring during tutor time or between lessons and concerns about wellbeing. If your concern is not adequately addressed, please contact the Head of Year.  

1st Your child's tutor. Your first point of contact should be your child's tutor. You can email call or leave a note in their planner. 2nd Head of Year. If issues are not resolved after contacting your child's tutor, please speak to the Head of Year. 3rd Deputy Head of Year. The Deputy Head of Year can also assist you if the Head of Year is not available. Depending on the situation, you may also be in contact with the Pastoral Worker attached to the year group. 4th Senior Leader. If you feel that your concerns are still not being addressed, please contact the member of the Leadership Team responsible for the Year Group.

Please note: it is helpful to know the name of the you child's tutor group (ie: 7XYZ) when reporting absences. Tutor groups are divided between Right and Left side organising purposes within the school. This helps keep the groups smaller during big events like Year 7 Camp or Parent Evenings. 

You may contact tutors by calling 01249 766020 or emailing. All contact details are listed below.

Tutor Group Contacts
Tutor Group
Tutor Name

Mrs Lauren Radford

7KAA Mrs Kathryn Avent Left
7KXH Miss Katie Jackson Left

Mrs Faye Blackhall (M/T/W/Th)

Jen Brightmore-Back (F)

7MSW Mrs Sharon Wilson Right
7TBR Mr Tim Rand Right
7AEG Mrs Amy Goldsmith Right
7FRV Mrs Francesca Venner Right
Other Useful  Contacts
Job Title
Miss Megan Owen Head of Year
Mrs Kathryn Avent Deputy Head of Year
Mrs Lorraine Crouch Pastoral Lead
Mr Jon Scourfield Assistant Headteacher
Mrs Linda Zuanella SENDCo