At Sheldon we believe that all children have the right to a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum and we are committed to providing every possible opportunity to develop the full potential of all our learners. We aim to raise the aspirations and expectations for all pupils with SEND and ensure that they are fully integrated, valued members of our school community.

Our Learning Support faculty has a vibrant team of highly dedicated support staff who work directly with our learners with Special Education Needs/Disabilities either in class or through additional targeted interventions. They are led by our SENCO and supported by our Assistant SENCO, TA Manager, SEN Administrator, as well as our ELSA and THRIVE specialists.

Who to contact if you have a SEND concern about your child

You child's tutor is the first point of contact about any concerns you may have about their academic progress, class-groupings, general wellbeing, behaviour, friendships, issues at home, etc.

Click here if your child has Special Educational Needs/Disabilities and is on our SEND Register.

If your child is not on our SEND Register, but you are concerned your child may have special educational needs, please click here.