Hearing Resource Base (HRB)
‘Committed to providing effective inclusion within a mainstream setting’
Sheldon school encompasses a long-established provision for students who are deaf or hard of hearing.
The school adopts an auditory/oral approach with pupils taught in mainstream classes alongside their hearing peers where they receive high quality teaching by subject specialists. The Resource Base offers up to 10 Local Authority funded places for students with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) for their sensory needs (hearing). These students access specialist support from the Resource Base Manager/Qualified Teacher of the Deaf. This includes the overseeing of specialist hearing equipment and delivering appropriate intervention schemes, i.e. speech and language input.
All teaching and support staff are given specialist training on how to accommodate for the needs of deaf students in the classroom and around school. There is a strong emphasis on the whole school community being ‘deaf aware’ with regular assemblies and tutor work which underpins our commitment to inclusion.
Amplification in the classroom
Sheldon is unique in that every classroom across the campus has a Soundfield system installed. Soundfield transmits the frequencies of speech with clarity and at equal volume around the room. Classrooms also benefit from acoustic treatment to reduce background noise. This significantly improves the listening environment.
Regular social opportunities are provided for our deaf/hard of hearing students, with older members of the school acting as role models for the younger pupils. Students form positive relationships with their deaf peers. We organise events to promote social interaction and explore deaf identity. This is in conjunction with a Local Authority Advisory Teacher of the Deaf who also has a caseload of students within our school.
Progression and Working together
The support provided is a culmination of working partnerships between students, teaching and pastoral staff, parents, the local authority, neighbouring schools/colleges and outside agencies. We pride ourselves on regular and effective communication. Students benefit from an enhanced transition programme when coming into Year 7 and moving on to our Sixth Form or Post-16 Colleges. Every effort is made to ensure that our students are fully integrated and reaching their potential.
For further information contact our Hearing Resource Base Manager/Qualified Teacher of the Deaf, Lindsay Freeman at lfreeman@sheldonshcool.co.uk