Useful SEND Links for Parents
Jargon Buster
A comprehensive guide to acronyms used by special educational needs and disability services.
Wiltshire Sigle Point of Access (SPA)
The Single Point of Access (SPA) is the key point of contact for children, young people, families, GPs and health and social care professionals to access advice and support from all Wiltshire Children's Community Services. It is essentially the single 'front door' for all services.
Wiltshire SENDIASS
Wiltshire SENDIASS provides a free, confidential and impartial support service to children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and their parents and carers.
Parenting courses
Being a parent can be amazing, but we all need some help, advice, and practical tips at times. Parenting courses can provide support and guidance to parents and carers if you're struggling with the behaviour of a child, would like support to address issues around parenting teenagers, or are simply seeking some hints and tips on parenting in the company of other parents and carers.
Wiltshire Parent Carer Council (WPCC)
The WPCC provides a specialist consultation and participation service that enables parents and carers to voice their opinions about the services and support that their families receive.
Wiltshire Local Offer
Every local authority is responsible for writing a ‘Local Offer’ and making sure it is available for everyone to see. It explains how the local authority is developing the way in which they support children and young people, aged 0-25, who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.
The Wiltshire Local Offer helps parents, carers and young people to find out about the support and services available in their local area and how to access them.